Join Now


Join now as an INDIVIDUAL or you may email us your team roster* to join as a group.

Cost of Annual Membership to FSA is only $25 per person

Join or renew with FSA and NTOA

Cost of Dual Membership (FSA with NTOA) is only $60 per year



*If you are an admin, training coordinator, leadership, etc... we can help you combine multiple members from your team onto a single renewal schedule and pay with one invoice. Each member must have a unique name/email so they can receive their own password. Any person listed as "key contact" can register team members for classes. 

Benefits of FSA Membership

  • Cost-Effective, dynamic tactical training in all regions of Florida
  • Satellite classes for hosting agency at request
  • Regional tactical team networking meetings throughout the state
  • Regional representation throughout Florida for immediate contacts
  • Joint FSA/NTOA membership
  • Eligibility to participate in SWAT Round-Up International
  • Eligibility to participate in Spring Sniper Shootout
  • Eligibility to participate in Patrol Rifle Competition
  • Florida SWAT Association T-Shirt
  • Statewide SWAT contacts