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FSA Vehicle Counter Ambush
Osceola County Sheriff's Office Training Facility
3901 Arthur J Gallagher Blvd
St Cloud, FL 34771
Tuesday, March 04, 2025 to Thursday, March 06, 2025
Category: Training

Cost: $200

This course will cover topics including but not limited to: Situational Awareness, mitigating risk of an ambush, fundamentals of marksmanship, unusual shooting platforms, proper use of a vehicle for cover/concealment, drawing/shooting from seated position in a vehicle, shooting through glass and door frames, vehicle ballistics, shooting drills under an elevated heart rate, shooting at a moving target, force on force drills and a Warrior drill. *This course is physically demanding.

Instructor: Lt Corey Griffin
BIO: Patrol Watch Commander with Osceola County Sheriff’s Office. 18 years LE experience, 8 years total time in the Training Division as either Training Coordinator or Training Unit Supervisor. 16 years on SWAT, currently a Team Leader. Instructor Certifications include but are not limited to: Firearms, Defensive Tactics, LOCKUP Police Combat, Vehicle Ops, First Aid, Shoot house, Active Shooter, Tactical Medical.

Register Here

Contact: Danny DiLoreto 407-202-3989 [email protected]