Florida S.W.A.T. Association, Inc.
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FSA SOCP Entry Combatives-Polk State College
Polk State College
1251 Jim Keene Blvd
Jan Phyl Village, FL 33880
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 to Friday, June 28, 2024
Category: Training

Tuition for this course is $300.00.

S.O.C.P (Special Operations Combatives Program) was designed by Greg Thompson and implemented as a program of record in the United States Military Special Operations community. Since its inception, law enforcement tactical units have seen the need to bridge the gap between tactics and combatives in a realistic task-specific manner. The following core concepts will be covered in this course: 

-Enhancing team CQB model by training with live role players (compliant/non-compliant) in CQB Scenarios

-Fighting in kit with weaponry

-Weapon transition and retention standing or ground

-Fighting multiple assailants solo or as a team

-Compliant and non-compliant cuffing

-Vehicle extractions

-Force continuum (lethal/less lethal options)

-Technique linkage

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Contact: John Kirkland - [email protected]